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9 Home Remedies for Upset Stomach in Dogs (Vet Recommended)

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Majid Tanveer, DVM

When your beloved pup has an upset stomach, it can be hard to know what to do. Over-the-counter medications may be unsafe, and a vet trip isn’t always necessary or convenient.

As a veterinarian and pup parent, I strongly believe in utilizing home remedies when your four-legged friend has an upset stomach.

Home remedies for upset stomachs in dogs include providing small, frequent meals of boiled chicken and white rice, adding canned pumpkin to their food, avoiding table scraps or fatty treats, ensuring adequate hydration with fresh water, avoiding dietary changes, and adding probiotics/digestive enzymes or yogurt/cottage cheese to meals.

Are you ready to discover the natural remedies that can benefit your furry friend? Let’s jump into the various options for taking care of their health!

What Causes Stomach Upset in Dogs?

Stomach upset, also known as gastroenteritis or dyspepsia, is one of the most common ailments in dogs. A variety of factors can cause it like:

Dietary Irregularities: Upset stomachs in dogs can be caused by various dietary irregularities, such as eating too much or too little food, changes in diet type or amount, eating garbage or spoiled food, and eating foreign objects.

Eating too Quickly: Dogs can eat too quickly, leading to indigestion and an upset stomach. They may swallow air and food, leading to bloating and discomfort.

Parasites are a severe hazard to your furry friend, causing anything from uncomfortable itching to life-threatening conditions if not addressed swiftly. A pup’s queasy stomach may be caused by a variety of parasites, like:

  • Hookworm
  • Tapeworm
  • Roundworm
  • Giardia
  • Coccidia
  • Whipworm

Poisoning: Your dog may have accidentally poisoned himself by ingesting items unsuitable for canine consumption, like cleaners and OTC (over-the-counter) medications. It can also cause an upset stomach in dogs.

Excessive diarrhea and vomiting can also lead to an upset stomach in dogs. If your dog is repeatedly vomiting or has frequent bouts of diarrhea, observing and taking him to the vet is essential.

Viruses can lead to gastroenteritis, which is ultimately fatal if not treated:

  • Distemper virus
  • Parvovirus
  • Coronavirus

Stress or anxiety: Stress, anxiety, or nervousness can also cause an upset stomach in dogs. Dogs are likely to experience digestive issues when they feel overwhelmed or scared. 

Dietary sensitivities: Dietary sensitivities can also cause an upset stomach in dogs. If your dog is sensitive to certain foods, he may experience stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea after eating them.

Note: Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that can be incredibly dangerous to your dogs. So ensure it’s always stored in an airtight container in a high pantry or cabinet. 

Signs and Symptoms of an Upset Stomach in Dogs

Vomiting and diarrhea are most common in dogs with an upset tummy. However, there are other signs to look out for if your dog experiences gastrointestinal distress. These can include:

  • Decrease in appetite and loss of interest in food
  • Lack of energy
  • Lessened desire to drink water
  • Emotional detachment or sadness displayed
  • Frequent stretching
  • Downward dog or licking the floor or objects
  • Excessive lip-licking
  • A gurgling stomach sound
  • Flatulence

9 Home Remedies for Dog’s Upset Stomach

Battling a dog’s upset stomach and vomiting can be difficult. While home remedies may provide temporary relief, they often don’t offer lasting solutions. 

Here are the best home remedies for your pup’s vomit and tummy troubles that have been tested extensively with successful outcomes.

1. Probiotics/Digestive Enzymes

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help support a healthy digestive system. Digestive enzymes are also helpful in aiding stomach upsets by helping to break down food and making it easier for your pup’s body to absorb essential nutrients.

Adding probiotics or digestive enzymes to meals can help restore balance within the gut, soothe inflammation, and provide dogs with the beneficial bacteria they need to digest their food correctly. For added benefits, try adding cottage cheese to their meals.

You can use the following foods for homemade probiotics for your dog:

  • Plain Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Buttermilk
  • Goat Milk
  • Green Tripe
  • Sauerkraut
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet Potato
  • Bananas

Note: Don’t use dairy products if your dog is lactose intolerant. Instead, go for non-dairy products.

2. Ginger

Ginger has anti-spasmodic effects that ease digestive issues, assisting them in feeling relief from their discomfort. As a bonus, it also acts as an antacid that dogs can easily digest!

  • For at least seven days, add a pinch of ginger to your pup’s meals or water three times daily for optimal results in relieving nausea and discomfort.

3. Chicken and Rice

Rice and chicken are excellent ingredients for crafting a soothing meal for your furry companion. Boneless chicken breasts combined with cooked brown rice can benefit their delicate digestion, making these two staples the perfect addition to any canine diet.

Plain-boiled chicken and white rice are ideal for dogs with queasy tummies since their fragrance-free texture helps soothe the stomach.

  • Sprinkle your pup’s meal with oils, butter, or anything else flavor-filled to prevent irritation.
  • Ensure your pup’s safety by making sure the chicken is cooked correctly. Shred or cut it into tiny pieces. So it can be easily chewed and swallowed. This way, you don’t have to worry about your pup choking on this tasty surprise!

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Add apple cider vinegar to their drinking water if your pup has a sensitive stomach. It’s full of carbonation and helps to settle the stomach quickly. Use this recipe as an approximate guide:

  • Create an aromatic blend of apple cider vinegar and water with two teaspoons each.
  • Mix in small amounts every few minutes, and your dog will be able to drink it. 

If your dog throws up after drinking, add two more teaspoons of water and mix again. Also, make sure that the apple cider vinegar is fresh. 

5. Bone Broth

This broth is an easy-to-digest liquid meal for dogs with sensitive stomachs that can restore their hunger. Not only is it nutritious and tasty. But its added moisture helps to enhance dry food’s flavor and encourages even picky eaters to chow down.

  • Fill your crock pot with meaty bones such as beef marrow bones or poultry legs, like those from turkey or chicken. 
  • Then top the mixture off with water (2-3 inches) and cover it up. Let it simmer on low heat for about 20 to 24 hours.
  • Afterward, place the pot in the refrigerator for two to three hours so that its fat can form into a hardened top layer on its surface.
  • Once you scoop this layer out, store away an irresistibly gel-like broth in your fridge.
  • If you wish to moist your pet’s dry food, heat the broth in a microwave until it transitions from a jelly-like consistency into liquid form. However, make sure not to overheat the mixture.
  • To make your broth last longer, freeze it in individual cubes in an ice tray.
  • Also, remember to strain out the bones before you serve up a bowl!

6. Herbal Remedies

If your dog is feeling a bit under the weather and you can’t get to the vet right away, herbal remedies are available that might help alleviate some of his symptoms in the meantime.


This spice is fantastic for fighting bacteria due to the healing oils it contains. Mix a few fresh leaves with your dog’s wet food, and he will immediately feel the results.


From reducing nausea, bloating, and diarrhea to boosting a dog’s immune system and freshening his breath, rosemary is an effective remedy for several ailments. 

It helps maintain our dogs’ health, and this natural herbal supplement can also work wonders for dogs’ overall wellness.


If your dog is experiencing an upset stomach due to food poisoning or bacterial infection, yellow calendula flowers are the perfect remedy. 

Known for their antiseptic and antifungal properties, these non-toxic blooms can provide soothing relief in no time!


Goldenseal is an incredible wild plant that fights intestinal bacterial issues and can quickly relieve bowel troubles. Brewing it into a tea has been known to help reduce bloating and promote regularity for your pup.


In addition to anti-inflammatory and antibiotic benefits, chamomile is often used medicinally for relaxation and improving sleep. 

If your pup’s tummy troubles are stress related – due to separation anxiety or similar factors – offering him chamomile tea or flowers blended with food will do the trick!

Milk Thistle

Not only does this herb offer relief for digestive issues, but it can also promote liver health and help guard against any potential liver-based problems in your dog.

7. Use Slippery Elm Bark

The inner bark of the Red Elm tree, otherwise known as slippery elm bark, is a powerful remedy for reducing inflammation due to its high tannin content and mucilage. Slippery elm has been used in traditional medicine for centuries because of its highly effective properties.

When combined with water, this slippery, mucilaginous substance can coat an ailing dog’s gut or intestines to relieve gastrointestinal issues.

Before providing your dog with any natural remedies, consult a trained veterinary specialist just as you would for store-bought medications.

8. Hydration of Your Dog

Diarrhea and vomiting can be dangerous due to the sudden depletion of body fluids. If proper hydration is neglected, dehydration may cause additional health issues requiring intensive medical attention.

  • Keeping your pup hydrated is critical in these scenarios. However, drinking too much can worsen an already upset stomach.
  • Limit the quantity of your dog’s ice chips or cubes to alleviate this issue.
  • Your dog will gradually lap up the chunks of snow, rehydrating and providing respite from his distress.
  • Move away any water bowls to prevent over-consumption, and offer a few spoonfuls at regular intervals if your dog deems fit.

9. Use Some Pumpkin

Canned pumpkin benefits your dog’s health in many ways – particularly when relieving indigestion. The low glycemic index of this seasonal fruit ensures that it’s digested slowly, giving your dog’s tummy the comfort and relief it needs!

  • Utilize only 100% natural pumpkin, and avoid spiced or sugared pumpkin pie mix.
  • Be sure to consult your veterinarian regarding how many servings of pure pumpkin suit your pup based on his weight – this is a critical factor in determining the proper dosage!

When Should Your Dog See the Vet?

When your dog has an upset stomach, knowing when the condition has become severe is crucial. If your pet starts vomiting or having diarrhea for more than a day or if you notice any of the following signs:

It’s best to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Pet Care Tip: Get your pup back to perfect health in no time with this tutorial video on how to treat an upset stomach in dogs using Boiled Chicken and White Rice.

People Also Ask

What Should I Avoid Feeding My Dog if They Have an Upset Stomach?

To help prevent an upset stomach in dogs, avoiding feeding table scraps, switching dog food too quickly, or overfeeding your dog is essential.

Is There Anything I Should Do Before Providing My Dog With Natural Remedies?

Always consult a professional veterinarian to administer the right doses of natural medications and thus prevent any further health issues for your dog.

How Long Can Stomach Issues Last in Dogs?

Stomach discomfort typically dissipates within two days, but digestive issues may persist if the cause is rooted in a long-standing condition such as an intolerance or chronic disease.